There's something I should tell you
I didn't do it alone
I went to my old doctor asking
Can my pills you hone
The ones I'm on cause weight gain
So he gave me something else
Another antipsychotic
The difference it was felt
I became somewhat obsessed with
My diet and exercise
I existed on pink protein shakes
To nourish and to thrive
I joined the gym and walked the board
For an hour or two each day
And I'd check my weight each morning
Didn't need to pray
The weight fell off and I toned right up
And for something special too
I got laser hair removal
And a lively new hairdo
That was totally misguided
The year of losing weight
I mean I'm glad that I did do it
And didn't leave it up to fate
But the pills they did, most certainly,
Have a strong effect
On my psyche at this point
My hormones it did wreck
The next year began and I was at
The weight I'd always wanted
It was time for me to get a life,
Social and romantic