I’m not traumatised by being
A person who has felt trauma
I have painful memories, yes I do
But the trauma is not circular
I can deal with being a woman
Who has possibly felt too much
I try to write about it
In a way with healing touch
I write poetry that's positive
I try not to fully wallow
In the pain that has been real at times
Laying grief out feels too hollow
Noone wants to hear that
That irksome trauma dump
If you want to write sbout it
Then try to give some hope
Its not always a darkened sky
Lifes not always so cruel
I can utilise some learned ideas
Like using gratitude as a too
lI tell my story to make sense
Of everything I've been through
I wouldnt waste my time describing
How it felt to lose you
Not unless I add an end
A plan to work it out
Or a different view to see the fact
That I actually scaled the mount
Cos my poetry is an essence
Of who I truly am
I write to make it clear to those
Who would sacrifice the lamb
The lawyers and the doctors
Who thought that they could test
Who I am and what I meant
Aftef I hit my head
But in explaining myself in poetry
I actually found some secrets
Things of myself I didn't know
That amuse and make me gorgeous
Im going to keep on rhyming
Im going to keep the rhythm
Expressing myself in poetry
Feels like seeing through a prism
So many factors to consider
So many points of view
Really its the way to help
Me and my friends too